Choose Your Desired Products

Agri takes care of the rest

How it works


Sellers List Their Lots

Sellers list their lots on the platform for buyers to view and bid, pending sample inspection for live display.


Sample inspection

Sellers send sample to platform's inspection local lab, lot goes live after sample quality is approved


Buyers bid and get total shipment price

Buyers bid on lots, receiving an upfront total cost including bid price, shipping, insurance, and inspection fees.


Winning buyer is directed to sign an e-contract

Highest bidder signs an e-contract to finalize the bid.


Buyer pays the platform before the shipment date

Buyer pays in full 7 days before shipment; funds held in escrow by platform.


Seller delivers products FOB (Free On Board)

Delivery leaves seller's warehouse for FOB, passing Agri inspection before ship loading


Products arrives at Agri-managed inspection checkpoint

Products are inspected at platform-managed checkpoint before ship loading to ensure quality and e-contract compliance.


Products are loaded on ship; platform issues electronic BL and documents

After inspection approval, products are shipped, and the platform issues electronic BL and required documentation, ensuring contract compliance.


Escrow released upon inspection pass and compliance with e-contract and electronic BL

Funds in escrow are released to the seller after products pass inspection, complies with e-contract, and an electronic BL is issued, ensuring a secure and fair transaction.